
Thursday, 6 January 2022

Types of Recycling and the Recycling Technologies in the Waste Hierarchy

Types of Recycling and the Recycling Technologies in the Waste Hierarchy: Types of Recycling and the Recycling Technologies in the Waste Hierarchy: & levels of the EU's official zero waste hierarchy.

When people write articles about the types of recycling they copy other articles and the result is that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet about recycling and recycling technologies. This is not helped by the fact that ideas about how recycling works best are evolving and the definition of recycling has become just one part of the waste management hierarchy.

The term “recycling” is not a generic term for all forms of waste treatment. It has a very specific use, and that is defined by the Waste Hierarchy. Many nations now have a waste hierarchy, but by way of explanation of the types of recycling today we have used the EU's official zero waste hierarchy.

The Zero Waste hierarchy has 7 levels, two related to products and 5 related to waste. Read our article for more information about this.